Making Data more intelligent with ShannonBase

ShannonBase is a HTAP database provided by Shannon Data AI, which is an infra for big data & AI.
For compilation guide and internal information, please refer to ShannonBase Wiki for details.

Everything you need to start with ShannonBase

ShannonBase is a HTAP database provided by Shannon Data AI, which is an infra for big data & AI.

100% Compatible with MySQL

100% compatible with MySQL, No need to change business code; Seamless migration from MySQL to ShannonBase;

Transactional/Analytical Workloads Processing

Cost-based intelligent and ML-based Optimzation; A new in-memory columnar AP engine; TP changes are propagating to AP in real.

Native Machine Learning

New system procedures incorporated for marchine learning; LightGBM and etc. machine learning libraries employeed.

High Performance

Columnar-format storage enine, vector processing, and xPU make x times faster.

MySQL Eco-system Compatibility

Existed solutions or middle-wares also can works well with ShannonBase; Community Supports


Low migration cost, Processing different workloads witin one system, no need complex technonolgy stack and no more developers&DBA needed.

Works with our technologies

Building more intelligent database service

Building more intelligent database service.